«If pink razors are more expensive, just buy the blue ones. I don't see the problem» If I earned a dollar every time I heard this sentence, I would have no problem paying for the difference in prices that I have to deal with just because of being a woman.
The "pink tax" refers to the tendency for products marketed toward women to be more expensive than those marketed toward men. These prices are often explained by claiming that women just buy more expensive self-care products, for example, because they care more about the quality of the product than men do. People who defend this argument will tell you that if you bought the cheapest option, you would pay the same; this statement is completely fake.
The Department of Consumer Affairs of New York conducted a study that showed that overall, women have to pay 7% more than men for the same kind of products. Here we will list the most important categories:
7% more for toys and accessories
4% more for children’s clothing
8% more for adult clothing
13% more for personal care products
8% more for senior/home health care products
This pricing difference can not seem significant. At the end of the day, does 2 or 3 dollars really matter? Yes, it does. We need to realize that most of the products a woman will buy in their entire life will be affected by the "pink tax". A study made by the United States Congress estimated that the pay gap adds up to $10,500 a year. We also need to take into consideration how women are paid 89 cents for every $1 a man earns, helping to draw a sharper contrast between men's and women's wealth.
Different studies, including the one shown above, demonstrate that personal care products are the ones with a higher amount of "pink tax". Pink razors can be included in this category, but also shampoos, body washes, deodorants, colognes, toothbrushes, or skin-care products. But why exactly there's such a giant difference in this kind of product?
To begin with, these products are not only more expensive but are also taxed differently, for example, in most countries, man's hair fall shampoo is taxed as a first necessity product, but a shampoo that treats other disorders more common in women than men are taxed as luxury products. A lot of other self-care products are taxed this way, assuming that women wanting to take care of themselves is a luxury.
Another reason is that it is assumed that women buy more quality self-care products. They make us believe we are paying more for a well-founded reason, when, in reality, we are buying the same product but in a prettier envelope.
As if this was not enough, women just generally buy more personal care products. There is such a giant pressure on women to look a certain way that we all end up relying on creams, shampoos, and makeup to cover our imperfections. The whole market depends on us wanting to change our appearance so that they can monetize our insecurities.

We have talked about the difference between the same products for men and women, but what about those products that men do not need?
Tampons, pads, and other menstrual products are not accessible to most women in underdeveloped countries. Due to the high prices and taxes added to those products, women can not afford to use pads; instead, they use toilet paper, pieces of cloth, or even leaves. These practices can cause many infections and other diseases. Also, the lack of access to menstrual products frequently results in many girls being unable to attend school or work during their periods.
If you believe in reproductive justice and abolishing menstrual poverty we encourage you to donate to help us provide menstrual products to those who need them. Besides you can join our organization helping us make a difference using this link: